Russell County students eligible for Summer P-EBT food benefits

Russell County families with students enrolled in public school will be eligible for $391 in Summer P-EBT food benefits beginning September 21st, according to the Kentucky Department for Community Based Services.

Statewide, eligible children include those five and younger who receive SNAP benefits, and students who receive free and reduced-price school meals. Russell County students receive free school meals as part of the National School Lunch Program’s Community Eligibility Provision.

Summer 2022 P-EBT provides a one-time issuance to each eligible child that covers the months of June through August of this year. The P-EBT reimbursement will be issued on the same card that funds were previously added to.

Call 855-306-8959 for more information on summer P-EBT or if you have lost your card and need a new one, call 888-979-9949.