Local gas prices remain higher than most neighboring counties

The average price of gas in Russell County is holding steady at $4.41 per gallon according to AAA, but that still remains higher than many neighboring counties.

Pulaski County has the cheapest gas in the area, recorded at an average of $4.34 per gallon. Neighboring Adair County isn’t far behind at $4.36. Casey County has an average price of $4.39.

Wayne County is about on par with Russell County, coming in at $4.40.

Neighboring Clinton and Cumberland Counties are slightly higher than Russell County, at $4.43 and $4.45, respectively.

Average prices in Kentucky range from $4.07 in Simpson County to $4.85 in Pendleton County.

The state average is $4.52 with a national average of $4.80.

About Zac Oakes 5502 Articles
Zac Oakes is the News and Sports Director for LakerCountry.com and Laker Country WJRS 104.9 FM.