Russell County’s census response rate lower than average

Filling out the census is important to local community.

Russell County’s self-response rate for the 2020 United States Census is lower than the state average, with less than 55 percent of Russell County residents responding to the census.

Local officials, like Jamestown Mayor Nick Shearer, are encouraging all Russell County residents to fill out their census, which can be done online and generally will take 10-15 minutes.

“It takes ten minutes, everyone has ten minutes to take and fill this out,” Shearer said. “Go online, it’s very easy and really self-explanatory. It’s not a lot of questions. We just gotta get you counted. Everyone deserves to be counted in this.”

How to respond to the census

There are three options people can choose for responding to the census.

The first is online, which can easily be done by visiting and following the prompts from there.

The second option is over the phone, which can be done by calling 844-330-2020.

The third option is by mail with the form and envelope mailed to your address.

Why fill out the census?

Census data affects a wide array of government programs and infrastructure in the local community. Among these are highway projects, schools, healthcare, housing, and much more.

It also affects government representation at the state and federal level.


About Zac Oakes 5500 Articles
Zac Oakes is the News and Sports Director for and Laker Country WJRS 104.9 FM.