AAA: Russell County gas prices higher than neighboring counties

According to AAA’s gas price tracker, the average price of gas in Russell County is higher than many of its neighboring counties.

As of Wednesday afternoon, AAA was showing the average price of gas in Russell County to be $4.79 per gallon, although a couple stations in Russell County were selling at $4.69 Wednesday evening.

That’s higher than Pulaski, Clinton, Cumberland, Wayne, and Adair counties.

Clinton County was the lowest in the area at an average of $4.68.

Casey County was on par with Russell County with an average price of also $4.79.

The average price statewide is $4.78.

About Zac Oakes 5500 Articles
Zac Oakes is the News and Sports Director for and Laker Country WJRS 104.9 FM.