Afternoon storms cause power outages, downed trees

Storms rolling through the area Monday afternoon produced power outages and knocked down trees in various parts of the county.

South Kentucky RECC reported hundreds of power outages across the county, particularly in the Jamestown and Eli areas of the county.

There were also reports sent in to WJRS of trees down on Blair Road, Greens Chapel Road, and McKinney Lane.

Here are a few photos sent in by WJRS listeners.

Kim Weston sent in this photo of a tree knocked down on McKinney Lane.
Kyla George sent in this photo of a power line that was knocked over on Monday.
Ashley Lawless sent in this photo of a damaged storage building.
About Zac Oakes 5485 Articles
Zac Oakes is the News and Sports Director for and Laker Country WJRS 104.9 FM.