OPINION: There are bigger fish to fry than impeachment

We have bigger fish to fry than trying to impeach the leader of the executive branch.

But before you react, I’m not talking about the White House.

I’m talking about the Governor’s Mansion, and this petition to impeach Kentucky Governor Andy Beshear and the subsequent creation of a committee to look into it is absolute nonsense and a waste of time when the state has a lot more pressing issues at hand.

I don’t really fault Kentucky House Speaker David Osborne. The state constitution says a committee has to be formed to look into the petition, which is reportedly signed by 40 individuals within the commonwealth.

The petition is nonsense. The Governor isn’t going to be impeached, and we have a lot more pressing issues at hand in this state.

We have a pandemic that is continuing to kill and sicken our fellow Kentuckians. Substance use disorder among Kentuckians continues to wreak havoc among every facet of our society. We have a pension issue that has to be addressed one way or another. The state is lacking severely in revenue. Our rural areas need more well-paying job opportunities because minimum wage jobs just aren’t cutting it. Our healthcare system needs improvement and people need affordable options for healthcare that work for them. Racial injustice continues to be an issue. Eastern Kentucky is lacking in development as poverty and substance abuse ravage the region while coal mines close and well-paying jobs are few and far between. There are still way too many areas, even right here in Russell County, that lack internet access. Kentucky still has one of the highest poverty rates in the country.

Need I go on?

Look, I know many of these are complex issues that can’t and won’t be fixed overnight or even in a couple months, but they are issues that are more deserving of our time and energy than trying to impeach the Governor over actions and decisions that the Kentucky Supreme Court determined were constitutional.

Let’s focus on the real issues at hand and try to move our state forward.

About Zac Oakes 5500 Articles
Zac Oakes is the News and Sports Director for LakerCountry.com and Laker Country WJRS 104.9 FM.