RCHS Tennis gets big district wins

The RCHS Tennis teams picked up big district wins earlier this week.

Results are listed below, courtesy of tennis coach Steve Kinder.

Tuesday  28 March  RCHS VS CLINTON
Boys won match 3-2
Jaxon Popplewell  8-0
Carson Buras  9-7
Braden Coe 8-6
Ethan Coe and Daniel Blakey lost 6-8
Ethan Coe and Weston Ryan lost 4-8
Girls won match 5-1
Abby Helm 8-0
Jasmine Grant  8-0
Grace Jennette  8-3
Ellie Terry and Breanna Trautman 8-1
Samantha Brown and Anna Kimbrell  8-3
Emma Grider and Maggie Polston lost 8-9 tiebreaker 11-13
Thursday 30 March RCHS VS MONROE
Boys won 3-2
Jaxon Popplewell 6-0
Carson Buras  6-1
Braden Coe  6-2
Ethan Coe and Easton Burton lost 4-6
Colton Powell and Xavier Sharp lost 1-6
Girls won 5-3
Abby Helm 8-5
Jasmine Grant 6-0
Maggie Polston 6-4
Breanna Trautman and Ellie Terry 6-1
Olivia Admins and Jacey Flatt 7-5
Khloe Stephens lost 4-6
Emma Grider lost 4-6
Anna Kimbrell and Samantha Brown 6-7 tiebreaker 5-7
About Zac Oakes 5514 Articles
Zac Oakes is the News and Sports Director for LakerCountry.com and Laker Country WJRS 104.9 FM.