Reopening Plan Announced for Local School District

Russell County Schools Superintendent Michael Ford has released the Russell County Schools reopening plan as currently designed.

There will be two formats that families can choose from during the COVID-19 pandemic.

The first format is in-person instruction which is the preferred method. Students will report directly to a classroom. Classrooms at the Elementary and Middle School will be self-contained and teachers will rotate. Doing this will enhance contact tracing in case of a positive COVID-19 case in the school.

In person classes may have to switch to distance learning in the event that the decision is made to close a specific class, grade, school, or that all schools have to close.

The second format is distance learning. The goal of distance learning is to look as much like face-face instruction as possible. Officials do stress that this is not the same format as it was last Spring with packets of worksheets for students to complete. Students will be required in distance learning to log into their school issued devices which is either a Chromebook or I Pad daily for instruction/assignments based on their daily schedules utilizing Google Classroom. If distance learning is initially selected, students must remain on Distance Learning until the end of the nine week grading period. Superintendent Ford is asking parents or guardians to complete a short survey by clicking here. Full details as well as safety precaution for in-person classes can be found below.

Reopening Information


About Sean Hammond 3092 Articles
Sean Hammond is the host of "Sean at Dawn Monday thru Friday from 5:00 to 9:00 am and a contributor to