RC IDA Met Wednesday

During their regular monthly meeting on Wednesday, the Russell County Industrial Development Authority voted to submit an application with the Kentucky Development Economic Development Cabinet for certification of the new build ready site located at the Lake Cumberland Regional Industrial Complex.

The authority also approved a new marketing plan proposal presented by KSD, Inc. This marketing proposal is intended to refocus, redesign and rebrand the RCIDA and its online presence to attract and retain business and industry.

The IDA also voted to apply for a grant through the Kentucky Product Development Initiative to enhance and expand the current spec building at the Lake Cumberland Regional Industrial Complex located on French Valley. The building has been vacant for 12 years and is 43,000 square feet. The hope is to expand the building to around 80,000 square feet in hopes of becoming more appealing to potential industries.

About Sean Hammond 3091 Articles
Sean Hammond is the host of "Sean at Dawn Monday thru Friday from 5:00 to 9:00 am and a contributor to lakercountry.com.