WJRS Food for Needy Delivery is Christmas Eve

On Tuesday, the Laker Country WJRS crew and numerous volunteers will fan out across Russell County as part of the 48th annual WJRS Food for the Needy Drive in an effort give 300 less fortunate families a box of food for the holidays. The drive is fueled by community donors who donated canned goods and other food items as well as monetary donations to help the needy in the community. Food drive boxes were placed around the county at various grocery stores and locations so that people could donate toward the cause. On Friday, volunteers assembled the boxes at the Lake Cumberland Community Action Agency warehouse and with only finishing touched needed to be done, the group will begin delivering tomorrow morning to those families who have been submitted to the radio station as a food box recipient.

About Sean Hammond 3092 Articles
Sean Hammond is the host of "Sean at Dawn Monday thru Friday from 5:00 to 9:00 am and a contributor to lakercountry.com.