Lady Laker Soccer easily defeats McCreary Central

The Lady Laker Soccer team easily defeated McCreary Central on the road last night by a score of 11-1.

Adriana Thomas and Marissa Hatchett each finished with four goals, while Madison Bennett, Madison Weisbrodt, and Roselyn Fuentes each finished with a goal.

Weisbrodt had four assists on the night, and Bennett had another.

Goalkeeper Liz Evans had 8 saves on the night.

In the JV game, Russell County won 7-0 with Addison Coffey scoring 4 goals, Bella Blakey scoring 2, and Mykaela Bevans adding another.

Blakey had an assist and Jasmine Bennett had 7 saves.

The Lady Lakers are back in action tonight, hosting Wayne County.

About Zac Oakes 5536 Articles
Zac Oakes is the News and Sports Director for and Laker Country WJRS 104.9 FM.