School Board approves SB 128 applications

The Russell County Board of Education approved student/parent applications for Senate Bill 128 at Monday night’s board meeting.

While more than 80 students/parents originally expressed interest in the supplemental year through SB 128, that number is now down to 59, and Russell County Schools Superintendent Michael Ford said the number could decrease even further before the deadline to rescind requests at the end of the month.

Ford said counselors and other school personnel are having conversations with parents and students who expressed interest to make sure they have a full understanding of SB 128 to make sure it is the right decision for each student.

As of Monday, Russell County High School had 10 requests, Russell County Middle School had 17, Jamestown Elementary had 12, Salem Elementary had 5, and Russell Springs Elementary had 15.


About Zac Oakes 5536 Articles
Zac Oakes is the News and Sports Director for and Laker Country WJRS 104.9 FM.