84 students express interest in supplemental year

As many as 84 students in the Russell County School system could participate in the supplemental year made available by Senate Bill 128.

The school district created a survey that garnered 84 responses from students across the district. The responses were spread out enough grade levels that Russell County Schools Superintendent Michael Ford believes the district can handle the numbers at each grade level.

Ford told WJRS News he plans to recommend to the board of education that they approve the requests at the board’s regular monthly meeting, scheduled for May 17.

Here’s the breakdown of the number of students who expressed interest across each grade level.

Kindergarten 9

1st Grade 6

2nd Grade 6

3rd Grade 4

4th Grade 4

5th Grade 5 

6th Grade 6 

7th Grade 6 

8th Grade 6 

9th Grade 7

10th Grade 4

11th Grade 8

12th Grade 13

Parents still have until May 31 to rescind their request for the supplemental year.

About Zac Oakes 5500 Articles
Zac Oakes is the News and Sports Director for LakerCountry.com and Laker Country WJRS 104.9 FM.