Work has begun on University of Somerset

Site work has started at the location that will be the home of the University of Somerset in neighboring Pulaski County.

The property is on Vine Street in downtown Somerset.

According to the Commonwealth-Journal in Somerset, the university has planned degrees including artificial intelligence, homeland security, molecular engineering, nanotechnology, data science and other science-based fields. There will also be English, education, mathematics, political science/ government, business/economics, biology, chemistry and physics courses.

“We are excited to see the transformation of the site and the beginning of what we expect will be the University of Somerset’s main campus,” Somerset Mayor and university board chairman Alan Keck said. “As we march toward the welcome warmth of spring and seasonal rebirth here in the beautiful Lake Cumberland region, it’s exciting to look forward to a day in the near future when students will walk tree-lined paths to their classrooms, pondering their plans to make a difference in the world.”

A video tour of the plans for the university can be found below.



About Zac Oakes 5500 Articles
Zac Oakes is the News and Sports Director for and Laker Country WJRS 104.9 FM.