Nancy and Faubush areas to receive new water transmission main

A total of more than $285,000 has been awarded for a new water transmission main in the nearby Faubush and Nancy areas of Pulaski County. The Western Pulaski County Water District will receive the funding, which comes from the state’s Cleaner Water Program.

The program, which is funded by the American Rescue Plan Act and administered by the Kentucky Infrastructure Authority, is to deliver clean drinking water and improved sewer and water systems.

The Lake Cumberland Area Development District submitted the project to KIA. In all, more than $3.3 million was announced on Wednesday for infrastructure improvements in neighboring Pulaski County as well as McCreary County. Both counties are served by the LCADD in Russell Springs.

Earlier this year, projects in both Russell Springs and Jamestown were awarded funding from the program.

The American Society of Civil Engineers in 2019 projected that Kentucky faces nearly $14.5 billion in water/wastewater infrastructure needs over the next 20 years, including over $8.2 billion in drinking water upgrades and $6.2 billion in sewer system improvements.