County won’t use trucks to scrape parking lots for county entities

Russell County magistrates no longer want to use county trucks to scrape parking lots for county entities during winter storms.

Magistrate Mickey Garner brought the issue up near the end of Monday night’s fiscal court meeting.

Traditionally, the county has used county-owned vehicles, including trucks, to clear the parking lots of county entities such as the extension office and the health department, along with the Lake Cumberland Area Development District, according to Judge Executive Gary Robertson.

Garner said he wanted to end that. The county could use a tractor to clear parking lots if a tractor and personnel are available for those entities when winter weather hits, but the county’s trucks would be reserved only for roads.

“I’d like for us not to do parking lots,” Garner said. “It took our county employees away from doing the roads. I see that the roads are a priority over those parking lots.”

The court voted unanimously to approve the decision with little to no resistance.





About Zac Oakes 5536 Articles
Zac Oakes is the News and Sports Director for and Laker Country WJRS 104.9 FM.