Survey results on school safety/climate released

Survey data from the Kentucky Department of Education on school climate and safety shows that most Russell County students feel safe and cared for in the classroom.

At the elementary school level, 98 percent of students either agreed or strongly agreed that adults at their school care about them, 95.5 percent agreed or strongly agreed that they feel safe in their classes and 94.5 percent agreed or strongly agreed that their schoolwork helped them learn new things.

At the middle school level, 93.8 percent said their school is a caring place and 91.5 percent said if they have a problem, there is an adult from the school they can talk to.

At the high school level, 92 percent of students said adults from the school handle safety concerns quickly and 91 percent said adults at the school work hard to make students safe.

About Zac Oakes 5493 Articles
Zac Oakes is the News and Sports Director for and Laker Country WJRS 104.9 FM.